Our service rates are designed to provide transparent and fair pricing for all your plumbing and heating needs, ensuring quality work at competitive rates.
Mon-Fri 8am-4.30pm
Mon-Fri 4.30pm-11pm
Mon-Fri 11pm-8am
Sat-Sun 8am-4.30pm
Sat-Sun 4.30pm-11pm
Sat-Sun 11pm-8am
Mon-Fri 8am-4.30pm
Mon-Fri 4.30pm-11pm
Mon-Fri 11pm-8am
Sat-Sun 8am-4.30pm
Sat-Sun 4.30pm-11pm
Sat-Sun 11pm-8am
Mon-Fri 8am-4.30pm
Sat 8am-12pm
There is a minimum charge of one hour on all jobs, thereafter work is charged in 1 hour increments. All rates exclude the cost of materials and are inclusive of VAT at the current rate.
Our engineer will give a verbal or written quote if requested before work commences. All quotations are subject to VAT at the current rate.
Materials supplied by Kesselmann will be charged at trade price plus 25% mark up.
All calls may be recorded for monitoring and training
Mon-Fri 8am-4.30pm
Sat 8am-12pm
Mon-Fri 8am-4.30pm
Sat 8am-12pm
Up to and including 7 radiators
£30 per radiator thereafter
Quotations are available from our engineers or we are happy to make an appointment for an estimator/surveyor to visit you free of charge.
An invoice will always be produced clearly showing a full description of work carried out – time started/time finished, a full breakdown of the cost of labour and materials used.
Payment should be made in full by credit/debit card or cash upon receipt of invoice.